
Privacy Statement

The TAC is committed to protecting your privacy. Any personal information collected, handled, stored or disclosed about you through our online services will be managed in accordance with the Transport Accident Act 1986, Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001.

Personal information means information or an opinion that is recorded about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion. (Note: while information about site visits such as IP address is not considered personal information, TAC handles such information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.)

This Privacy Statement applies to the TAC's website and online services. It does not cover other aspects of the operations of the TAC. The TAC has a comprehensive privacy policy of which this statement forms a part.

The TAC's role is to pay for treatment and benefits for people injured in transport accidents. It is also involved in promoting road safety in Victoria and in improving Victoria's trauma system.

Collection and use of Personal Information

The TAC will only collect and record personal information via this website if it is provided directly to us and is necessary for us to perform our functions or activities; for example the TAC will need to collect personal information, to send requested information, to provide a regular newsletter, or to act on feedback provided. In particular, personal information is collected in the following situations:

  • when you send us an email;
  • when you use our online services, such as completing a form electronically;
  • when you register as a site user;
  • when you provide feedback by email or by using the feedback form on our website.

Anonymity and the TAC's website

Other than in the circumstances described above, the TAC intends to allow people to visit its website anonymously; that is without revealing their identity.

Where people have cookies enabled, the TAC may collect some information about each site visit (see Cookies and Web beacons below). However, the TAC does not attempt to link this information to particular individual.

If you do not have cookies enabled, and you do not register on the site or send an email, there will be no record of your visit to the TAC's website.


How the TAC will use your email address

If you give us your email address, it will be recorded and used solely for the purpose for which you have provided it. It will not be disclosed, added to a mailing list or used for any other purpose without your consent.

Sending information to the TAC via email

The Internet is an insecure medium and users should be aware that there are risks in transmitting information by email. Information sent via unencrypted email may be at risk of being intercepted, read or modified.

The TAC will not forward personal or health information by internet email unless the TAC client has given specific consent to do so or the communication by email is necessary to comply with the TAC's obligations to a Court or Tribunal.

Technical Information

We collect technical information through the usage of click stream data for statistical purposes. Cookies and Web Beacons are used to understand site usage and usability.

Click stream data

When you visit our online services, the TAC makes a record of your visit. The following information, referred to as 'click stream data' in computer language, is logged by our server:

  • your server address;
  • your top level domain name (for example, .com, .gov, .au, .uk, etc);
  • the date and time you visited our website or completed the online transaction;
  • the pages you accessed and documents you downloaded;
  • the type of browser you are using; and
  • the address of the referring site (that is, the previous site you visited).

All of this information is collected for statistical purposes to enable us to assess the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, determine what information is most and least used and help us make our site more useful to visitors.

We do not actively seek to identify you. However, in the unlikely event of an investigation, a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our server's logs.

Use of Cookies

When you visit our site, our server may generate a cookie. A cookie is a small piece of information (a text file) that a web server can place temporarily on your hard drive or web browser. It is used by your browser to identify the pages that you have visited on our site. A cookie is uniquely yours and can only be read by the server that gave it to you.

The TAC may assign a 'unique identifier' to a cookie so that it can tell if a visit is from a new or repeat visitor. It may also use Cookies and Click stream data to identify the pages that are viewed by the same visitors and the frequency of those visits.

Why are Cookies used?

We use cookies to understand site usage and to improve the content and usability of our sites. We do not use cookies to collect personal information. Cookies, alone, do not reveal your email address or other personal information. You choose to provide this information by, for example, registering at our site. The information you provide may be linked to the data stored in the cookie.

What is a Web Beacon?

A web beacon is an often-transparent graphic image that is placed on a site (or in an email) and when used in combination with cookies, can monitor the behaviour of the user visiting the site (or sending the email). The type of information collected might include the Internet Protocol address of the computer that retrieved the image, the time the web beacon was viewed and for how long, the type of browser that retrieved the image and previously set cookie values. It does not identify you unless you have already identified yourself.

Web beacons are also known as Web bugs, pixel tags or clear GIFs.

Google Analytics

The TAC's websites use the Display Advertising features (Remarketing and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting) of Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google") that uses first and third party cookies that generate information about your use of the websites and how you got there amongst other things. This allows the TAC to report on demographics for understanding the TAC's site audiences and display advertisements viewed on the TAC's websites as you browse third party sites on the Google Display Network using Remarketing.  
If you do not wish this data to be collected with Google Analytics via the TAC's website, you can install the "Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On" so you are not tracked into Google Analytics. By using the TAC's websites, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above. For further information, please visit

Security of Electronic Transmissions

We take reasonable steps to secure the information transmitted to our online services. However, the nature of electronic transmissions is such that there is the possibility that a third party may observe this information whilst it is in transit. You may prefer to provide information by telephone or paper mail or in person.

External Links

When accessing external links provided on our site, it is recommended that you read the site-owners' privacy statement before disclosing your personal information. We do not accept responsibility for inappropriate use, collection, storage or disclosure of your personal information outside of our site.

Access and Correction

If you:

  • want to have access to the personal information (if any) that we hold about you;
  • want to know more about what sort of information we hold, for what purposes and how we deal with that information;
  • believe that personal information that we hold about you is not accurate, complete and up to date; or
  • have concerns about your privacy rights,

please contact us.

How to Contact us

If you have concerns about privacy or questions about the TAC's privacy policy you can contact the TAC's Information Privacy Officer on 1300 654 329 or 1800 332 556.

More Detail

The Your privacy and the TAC page of this website outlines the ten privacy principles and how we protect your privacy.

Privacy Statement for visitors to the Road to Zero Complex

This Privacy Statement relates only to activity within the Road to Zero complex, which includes the Experience Space and Learning Studio (located at Melbourne Museum) and the Road Smart Interactive Program. The Road to Zero complex is a TAC-funded initiative, in partnership with Museums Victoria. It does not cover other aspects of the operations of the TAC or Museums Victoria.

The TAC and Museum Victoria are committed to protecting your personal privacy. Any personal information collected, used, stored or disclosed about you will be managed in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

Throughout this privacy statement, personal information means information which identifies you as an individual, or from which your identity can reasonably be ascertained. Some examples include your name, age and email address.

Collection of Personal Information

Museum Victoria (which operates the Road to Zero Exhibition) will only collect & store personal information if you decide to provide the information. If you wish to enter the complex using an anonymous profile – see the below section ‘Anonymity and Road to Zero’ about how to do this.

When you register at the start of the Road to Zero complex, you will be asked to enter:

  • Your personal details (e.g. Your name, email address, age, gender, and if you are attending on a school trip); and
  • Have a photo taken of you (or you can elect to use a computer generated ‘avatar’ image instead).

This information is temporarily stored on a card which allows you to interact with all the exhibits. If you do not wish to provide the above information, this will affect your ability to experience certain exhibits.

Your personal information is requested so that Road to Zero can:

  • Interact with you personally in relation to several exhibits;
  • Send you an automated email at the conclusion of your experience containing details of your visit to the Road to Zero complex;
  • Send you a photo of your experience at the complex via email.

The information you provide may also be used to evaluate and track visitation and user experiences (but this will be done using de-identified statistics).

You will be required to provide further information when you receive the automated email of your experience. If you decide to provide the information, Museums Victoria will collect additional information such as the type of road user you are and your postcode. If you do not wish to provide this information, you may not be able to receive a summary of your experience or any supporting information.

The personal details you provide will automatically be deleted after 30 days.

*Please note: If you provided your name and contact details when first booking a time to visit Road to Zero (e.g. as a part of a school group), your name and phone number may be used by Museums Victoria to seek your feedback on the exhibit. It may also be used to contact you about participating in further market research activities conducted by Museums Victoria.

Anonymity and Road to Zero

If you do not wish to provide your personal information but still wish to experience the complete Road to Zero complex, you may enter the exhibit using an anonymous profile. To do this, please speak to a visitor engagement officer at the Road to Zero exhibition. They will provide you with a pre- populated card with no personal information in it that will allow you to experience the full exhibition anonymously.

Disclosure of Personal Information

The TAC and Museums Victoria do not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties. We will only disclose your personal information in accordance with this notice or where we otherwise have your consent or if we are required to do so by law.

Access and Correction

You may apply to Museums Victoria to access, correct or updated your personal information. Please contact the Privacy Officer for further information:

Privacy Officer Museums Victoria
GPO Box 666
Melbourne VIC 3001

or email

The TAC can also be contacted in relation to any privacy enquiries you have at

Please note, a formal Freedom of Information request may be required to access your information, in order for Museums Victoria to recover the costs of services of the enquiry. To find out more about this process, please refer to Freedom of Information Online, Victoria.

The TAC and Museums Victoria reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement at any time. Any changes made will be posted on the Road to Zero’s website.

Data Security

Once any personal information comes into our possession, we will take reasonable steps to protect that information from misuse and loss, and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. Museums Victoria provides security information storage systems and procedures for the management of both physical and electronic information. Information will be disposed of in accordance with approved disposal schedule under the Public Records Act 1973.